Become an ABSOLAR member
Being an ABSOLAR member means having at your disposal various opportunities for every change in the market and in the sector, besides easy access to our services developed by the association
Check out the main benefits of being an ABSOLAR member below:
1 – Support from experts in solar PV
The Technical and Regulatory Department, known as TECREG, is at ABSOLAR’s heart. Our experts are always prepared to clarify your doubts related to regulation, legislation, taxation, financing, environmental licensing, public policies and incentives available for the sector in Brazil.
We support you with:
Strategic Information
– Research, compilation and analysis of market data related to the electricity sector and solar photovoltaic sector
– Preparation of studies, analyses and technical notes
– Preparation of presentations and content for events
– Technical review of media content
Coordination of Working Groups
– Preparation of pleas, offices and proposals
– Participation in Public Hearings and Public Consultations
– Monitoring of activities, goals and results
– Operational support to WGs: meetings, calls and minutes
– Promoting synergy between WGs;
Technical and Regulatory Support to members
– Clarification of doubts and requests, via email, phone, WhatsApp
– Face-to-face meetings by appointment
– Creation of tools for closer interaction of the associate member with ABSOLAR
Partner Support
– Participation in meetings and events
– Preparation of materials, ideas, concepts and content for government institutions and partners
– Clarification of doubts and requests
– Promoting a more active participation in the dissemination of public policies
2 – Representation towards the government
We keep an open dialogue channel at the Federal, State and Municipal levels, as well as with the national regulatory agency and other strategic public entities, to defend the demands from the Brazilian solar PV sector. As member, you can present your company’s issues and bring proposals and recommendations, keeping yourself always updated on everything that is being debated and accomplished for the development of solar PV in Brazil.
3 – Matchmaking: we bridge all parts of the solar PV value chain
Regardless of the size, profile and nationality, our associate companies have special attention when networking support is needed. We bring together all links of the Brazilian solar PV value chain, from suppliers and clients to potential business partners and investors. We will help you strengthen your network in the sector in a dynamic and effective way.
4 – Working groups (WGs) to discuss strategic matters and define propositions
ABSOLAR has six permanent WGs composed by our members. Through periodical meetings, the main discussions of the sector take place with the essential participation of our members, defining strategies to support market development and growth. The WGs are divided as follows:

• Distributed Generation (DG)
Responsible for following the market segment of small and medium-size photovoltaic systems. The prioritary focus of this Work Group is the distributed microgeneration and minigeneration, with special attention to the Brazilian net-metering regulation, the Resolução Normativa Aneel Nº 482/2012, with the goal of accelerating the development of solar PV distributed generation in Brazil.

• Centralized Generation (CG)
Responsible for following the market segment of large-scale solar PV power plants, connected to the Sistema Interligado Nacional (SIN – National Interconnected System). This Work Group covers both the ACR (Regulated Contracting Environment) and the ACL (Free Contracting Environment) electricity markets.

• Supply Chain
Works to improve the business environment and competitiveness of the solar PV supply chain in Brazil, building a solid industrial policy for the sector. This Work Group has the goal to develop a national value chain, as well as to ensure quality, durability and safety standards for the equipment and supplies needed for solar PV.

• Financing
Acts in collaboration with national and international, public and private financial institutions, elaborating proposals for improvements on financing conditions offered for solar PV systems, both for the centralized generation and distributed generation market segments. To learn more about currently available financing conditions in Brazil, click here.

• Electric Energy Storage
This Work Group helps to develop the electricity storage sector in Brazil, especially considering the broad synergies with solar PV technology. The Work Group aggregates technical and market information for regulatory and tax improvements and also cooperates with public and private stakeholders active in the field of electric energy storage.
5 – Daily strategic information for your decision-making
Access to the main news on the market helps you to understand what is the best path to take. We send our news clipping every day to our members, directly to your e-mail address, every morning, with the most relevant articles from the Brazilian solar photovoltaic and electric sectors.
We also have a monthly newsletter, exclusively elaborated for our members, with the main news on services, partnerships and information from ABSOLAR.
With more technical information, ABSOLAR’s Infographic is the main thermometer of the solar photovoltaic market in Brazil. It is extensively replicated on the social networks and in the national and international press. ABSOLAR members receive the Infographic first hand, before it is sent to the rest of the market.
Our news reports on public calls, notices and biddings aimed towards the sector are also sent first hand to our members, giving you the chance to take advantage of various business opportunities in the Municipal, State and Federal levels throughout the country.
6 – ABSOLAR Distributed Generation Complaint Registry: we take action with Aneel to solve problems with power distribution utilities
For every problem faced, ABSOLAR’s Distributed Generation Complaint Registry channel helps to identify them, from an assessment of the recurring difficulties with the distributors, and directly acting with Aneel in search for solutions. The channel is open to the entire sector! Additionally, ABSOLAR members have access to TECREG’s support.
7 – Exclusive events and special conditions in trade fairs and congresses
Participation on the main events of the Brazilian solar photovoltaic sector is guaranteed to our members, with special conditions. Trade fairs, business dinners, congresses, workshops, webinars, seminars, regional meetings, high-level courses and trainings are some of these examples. As soon as membership is completed, access to our periodically updated event calendar is free of charge, including price discounts and exclusive benefits.
8 – Register your products with Finame code at Pronaf
As an ABSOLAR associate member, your company can register products with the Finame code at the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture – Pronaf. This allows you to access special financing lines, available in Brazil for small farmers. We guide you on how to use this incentive, speeding up the process.
9 – Exclusive label for your communication materials

Show your company’s engagement and alignment with the most important activities taking place in the Brazilian solar photovoltaic sector to your suppliers, clients, partners and investors. We provide an exclusive member seal (in Portuguese and English) which can be included in all your communication materials.
10 –Exclusive partnership with ECOTEX
The digital platform that helps the assessment of solar PV projects is now a benefit for our associate members. In just a few clicks, it is possible to monitor dozens of variables of the electricity sector, presented by georeferencing tool. This way, you can analyze the main conditions for the development of projects in the entire national territory.
As a member, you have access to 15 variables for free and a 30% discount for the other tools of the platform.
Join us
Become an ABSOLAR member and benefit directly from our services, tools and activities.
In order to make your registration, follow the step-by-step procedure below:
1º – Fill in the registration form and send it to;
2º – Send the signed application form, alongside the company’s social contract or bylaws;
3º – There you go! The registration is confirmed right after the identification of the first payment.
For more information, contact us at any time from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM, by phone at: (+55 11) 3197-4560, by e-mail: or by WhatsApp at : (+55 11) 98943-4499.